Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The expander is in...

I had been dreading this day for several weeks...Emma's appointment to get her palate expander in. I have been so worried that this was going to be painful for my little girl...and I was not looking forward to having to stick a key in her mouth every night to tighten the expander.

Well, Emma was a total champ...she didn't wince or complain once as they glued the expander onto the roof of her mouth. They had me tighten the expander for the first time...it wasn't as complicated as I thought and Emma said it didn't really hurt...it just made her nose feel funny (they told me that was common and it stopped after a few minutes.)

Anyway, here's a blurry photo of her new $1600 accessory...

And not to leave you with that disturbing image...here's a photo from Emma's horse show this weekend...she got two seconds, which made me quite proud!


Kim said...

I soooo remember this ... KyLee said it wasn't bad either.. but today was the end result of what all that was for.. Hopefully by tomorrow I will have the before and after photos on my blog..
YEA... for Emma on her awards..
Have a great evening..

Joan said...

Way to go Emma!

My Ella got her's in today too. I am dreading the once a day adjustment and will be happy when those seven days are done.

Jboo said...

Yay for Emma --what a brave girl! And congrats too! Way to go Emma!


Lisa and Tate said...

Yowsa that expander looks painful! What a brave AWARD winning horsewoman Emma is!! Congrats to Emma on a job well done!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Mom and Emma. Both of you are brave.

Stephanie said...

I would have been nervous about that too. I'm glad it doesn't bother her and wasn't as hard as you thought. :)

Congrats Emma!! How exciting that she won ribbons! I bet she was on cloud 9! :)