Saturday, May 23, 2009

The free ride is over

Emma had her six-month dental check-up yesterday. I've been so pleased that she has never had any cavities. However, after taking x-rays, our dentist told me that Emma has a few "pre-cavities" between her teeth. I've never heard the term "pre-cavities" before. She showed me the x-rays and pointed out a couple places where there were little shadows - where cavities were starting to form. She said she would check them at Emma's next check-up to see if they need to be filled.

Emma doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, and she never drinks pop or fruit juice, but we could definitely do a better job brushing and flossing. And we will.

Also, our dentist told us we needed to make an appointment with an orthodondist. She says Emma has a cross-bite on one side and her permanent teeth are already crowded. Where I'm going to get the $$ to pay for orthodontia, I have no clue. But you have to do it, so we'll find it.

On a happier note, The Children's Place was having a sale and I dropped in while Emma was at a birthday party this afternoon. Sometimes you just see something and know instantly that your daughter will adore it. I saw this dress and just knew Emma would love it...and I was right. She hasn't taken it off all day...


Anyway, hope you're all enjoying your holiday weekend! I could get used to these three-day weekends!


Kim said...

Sorry to hear about he dentist.. and as for ortho.. well I need it bad and all the kids are almost done..KyLee should get her's off before she starts her Soph. year..YEA..
maybe i can get them
LOVE the dress.. tooo cute..
Have a great weeknend..

Joan said...

Emma looks wonderful in that dress!!! That is a great swirl on that dress.


Briana's Mom said...

That dress is amazing! I love it!

Sorry to hear about the cavities. :(

Special K said...

Love that dress! Looks so cute on her.

Jboo said...

Lovely dress -- she looks so sweet twirling around in it!

M has already had cavities and has a couple more pre-cavities! And she is missing some permanent teeth -- so am afraid we will be seeing a lot of the dentist and/or orthodontist. YIKES!

Love these 3-day weekends too!


Debbie said...

Needing to see an orthodontist already?? She seems so young for that already. Mine that is the same age as Emma hasn't even lost 1baby tooth yet! The dress looks great though!

Super Mommy said...

Donna don't beat yourself up - I think it's great Emma hasn't had ANY cavaties before now. Jasmine had one and Jade has had many!!

We too will be riding the ortho train - in fact - ours is starting this year. Jade will be getting braces on her four uppers and lowers as soon as two more teeth come in.

Emma looks darling in that dress!!

Anonymous said...

My least favorite subject -dentists!

Emma looks adorable as always!