Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I think I'm getting old...

Several things have happened in the past month or so that are leading me to believe I'm really getting old.

Clue #1 - At a staff meeting last week, this kind of boorish guy was getting ready to launch into another one of his dull stories when he said "You guys are probably all too young to remember this. Well except for..." and waved in my general direction. Apparently he considers me our historical witness to the Spanish-American War and the Great Depression.

Clue #2 - I've lost about 35 pounds this year, which is great. I've lost weight many times in my life, but what is different this time is that my skin appears not to have noticed. It's still at the old place I used to be.

Clue #3 - I have received not one, but two, pieces of mail in the past week or so exhorting the importance of getting long term care insurance. Am I really that close to being in a nursing home?

Clue #4 - For the first time in my life, I actually asked someone to turn down the music. I've always been a bit of a punker (even now, my favorite bands tend to be in the My Chemical Romance/Rage Against the Machine vein.) But we were at a restaurant recently and the sound system was cranked up so loud, I was getting a headache. I actually asked the manager to turn it down a little. I'm sure he thought I was like 70 years old or something.

Clue #5 - Our local FCC group had a bowling outing two weekends ago, which was great fun. However, I found that I was a bit stiff and sore the next morning. We're talking about BOWLING, people...not participating in a triathalon!

Anyway, all of this is leading me to believe that it's all downhill from here for me. Hopefully my five-year-old daughter will do her best to keep me young just a little bit longer.


kitchu said...

This post cracked me up, thanks for a good laugh. Now I'm kinda scared to lose the 35 I need to though :O)

C's Mom said...

Emma will definitely keep you young and hopping...just wait for those teen years ;0)

The clue for me is more and more people calling me 'mam' instead of 'miss'

Special K said...

That was funny.
Wait. You were joking right? :P

You're only as old as you feel. No wait...that can't be right... I feel like crap right now. LOL!

RamblingMother said...

She will either keep you young or keep reminding you of how old you are. Glenys has taken to reminding me how fat I am. So there you go.


Christi and Abbey said...

Oh I can so relate. I had just gotten over the dequervains when my rib/back went out. I have to keep telling Abbey I can't hold her or I will have to go to the doctor.
I would gladly lose 35 lbs and just tuck the lose skin into some jeans.
Really, I am always impressed with how young you are and all the fun things you do with your daughter.

Calico Sky said...

You crack me up!