Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mom's Day!

We had a great Mother's Day. As has become kind of a tradition for us, we spent the day at the local botanical garden, which has a spectacular Mother's Day brunch. Emma particularly enjoyed the mac and cheese because, instead of cheddar cheese, it was made with "pomeranian" cheese (I think she meant "parmesan"!) It was a kind of overcast and dreary day, but the rain held off, so we were able to wander around the gardens for a couple of hours. A couple of pics of Emma...

I wanted a photo of me with my girl on Mother's Day and asked this guy to take our picture. Apparently he had never operated a digital SLR camera before (or any other camera, for that matter) because the picture was blurry, Emma had her eyes closed and my eyes looked crossed. Definitely not one for the scrapbook!

Emma, on the other hand, took my camera for the very first time and snapped this!

Granted, even though it is a photo of me, which is no treat for anyone, I think she did a great job.

Anyway, we had a wonderful day...the only thing I wanted for Mother's Day was to spend it with my girl.

I hope all you moms (and moms-to-be) had a fantastic day too!


Super Mommy said...

I love this tradition - brunch! Sounds like a great day - glad you missed any rain. Great photos - yes - even the one of you!!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Kim said...

Happy Mother's Day...

Jboo said...

Sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day! Sweet photos of Emma and you're right -- she did a great job with the picture of you!

Have a fun week!

Missy said...

I'm glad that you had a great Mother's Day! I can't imagine a better way to spend it than with your sweet girl! She is sooo beautiful and she took a great pic of you!!!

Lisa and Tate said...

Happy Momma's day! What a fun tradition!

Caroline said...

Happy Mother's Day Donna!!

Debbie said...

Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!

Steph said...

She is so cute! It sounds like a perfect day. :) Emma took a great photo of you!

Anonymous said...

Great pix! Emma is beautiful! I had to chuckle because I let my 6 yr old son take some pix with my digital SLR at his school a few weeks ago...and they were great! I was very surprised. :)

Lisa (Briana's Mom) said...

Happy Belated Mom's Day to you! Emma took a fantastic photo of you!!!

Gail said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day!
I love your tradition on Mother's Day!
Emma is adorable!
And she took a great pic of her mom too!!

Anonymous said...

Donna - please give us a ring or email. We're going to Yiyang this summer. I just sent you a msg through the yahoo group. Can you check that email still. Please contact me at

Anne (Cassandra's Mom)