She's more excited about going to the mall than going to the park.
Her favorite singer is no longer Laurie's Taylor Swift.
When we were window shopping the other day and passed Gymboree, she said "Mommy, don't even THINK about it!" But her eyes lit up when we walked by Justice.
When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she said a Blackberry so she can text her friends (uh, I meant THIS Christmas, not the Christmas when she's 12.)
The other night, the last thing she said to me before going to bed was "don't pick my clothes out for me...I want to do that now."
Sigh! Seven is a fun age, but it is so bittersweet watching your little girl slip away. Oh well, at least she still loves her stuffed animals!
YEP.. she is growing up..
It is a bitter sweet moment..
Have a great week..
Love Justice store...
I know the feeling...the same things are taking place in my 7 year old. They do grow up too fast!
LOL, especially about the Blackberry. My 11 year old will be getting her first cell phone next year when she's 12; the 7 year old hasn't asked for one yet. My 7 year old will let me buy a few very plain Gymboree items on her approval; she loves Justice. My 11 year old thinks that Justice is too babyish and wants Abercrombie and Aeropostale. Why do they want to grow up so fast?
Great post! Loved it! She sounds like she is definitely growing up!
Wow! She sounds just like my little sister who is 2! Apparently she will be growing up earlier than Miss Emma :)
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