Monday, April 21, 2008

Equestrian update

I haven't written much lately on how Emma's equestrian lessons are going. She's been taking lessons every Sunday since January and is progressing nicely. She's really good at trotting her horse around the arena and is finally getting the hang of posting, which is a challenge for her because she's so small.

Yesterday, the place was pretty busy for a Sunday and there were quite a few people standing around watching Emma's lesson. I don't think most of them knew I was her mom and it was weird overhearing folks say things like "Look at that little girl!" and "That's amazing." One woman who is a trainer there did come over and ask if I was her mom and said "You must be so proud...she could be a champion some day!" I mumbled something about how I was just glad she was having fun, but inside I was bursting with pride, of course.

Because it was so nice yesterday, Emma did get to have part of her lesson outside, which was fun for her. And it was fun for me because I finally got a decent picture of her on her horse Abra...

So she just keeps getting better every week and still loves it, which really is the critical thing, in my book. It's a big sacrifice for us financially, but when you find something your child loves, you want them to have the opportunity to participate.

Besides, who needs to save up for retirement? I'm sure Social Security will still be going strong by the time I retire (yeah, right!)


Kim said...

Emma looks sooo beautiful on her horse...
Have a Great Week..

Lisa and Tate said...

Oh wow, she looks like an ad for a equestrian magazine! Such pose on that horse.....


C's Mom said...

What a cool picture of Emma & Abra.

Yeah, I have all the faith in Social Security to be there for us ;0) Ah well, I'll just die with my boots on.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a fellow GF and found your blog a few months ago. I think it was when the EC line came out and I'm pretty sure it was just you and I that loved this line so much! lol I remember your siggy picture and my daughter had the same outfits and I adore that line.

My now 6 year old daughter is horse crazy too and started lessons last July at age 5 1/2. I think our girls would get along so great. Hadleigh just cantered for the first time last Wednesday at her lesson, and I was so happy for her. She was beyond excited all week waiting for that day.

Emma looks so cute on her sweet horse. What a sweetheart.

RamblingMother said...

That is wonderful!!


Caroline said...

Donna - you are one great mom! You do know that I can't show Jordan this post in case she gets any crazy ideas about wanting to ride horses (although I mentioned it once and luckily gymnastics still reigned supreme).

Sara said...

What a great picture!! Looks like a lot of fun!

Super Mommy said...

Wow - Emma looks so confident and pretty on that horse (the horse is a looker too!). Some things are worth the sacrifice - Nancy