Monday, January 21, 2008

Emma-ism of the day

Earlier today, Emma was eating a popsicle for a snack (even though the arctic chill remains here.) She told me she had to go to the potty and headed into the bathroom with popsicle in tow. When I told her she shouldn't take food into the bathroom, she said "That's okay, Mommy. I can poop and eat at the same time!"

Anyway, here's a photo I took of my little multi-tasker today...


RamblingMother said...

She is not going to appreciate you telling this when she is older, heh.


Sophie's Mom said...

He he! Sure beats reading a magazine... I've caught Sophia doing that! Beautiful picture!

Kim said...

That is too funny..
At least you know she can do more then 1 thing at a time....LOL

kitchu said...

My first big laugh of the day, thanks for sharing with us!

Beautiful photo- she looks so grown up :O)