Although I was really nervous about Emma's first lesson today, she was chomping at the bit (HAHA!) I thought maybe Emma wouldn't get to ride today because she needed to learn a lot about tack and how to care for a horse before actually riding.
Here is Emma's sweet horse, Abra. He's 24 years old, so he's been around for awhile and is very patient with new riders. So that's ideal.
Anyway, after brushing Abra and helping Sarah put on the saddle, girth and bridle, Emma got her helmet on and was ready to go!
She led Abra out of his stall and into the arena...
Sarah helped her on the horse and the lesson began. It was so amazing to me...Emma had absolutely no fear being on this huge animal. She was giddy and giggly with excitement...

After about 10 minutes of instruction on how to start, stop and turn the horse, Emma was going around the arena on her own, following commands from Sarah. Emma was a little tentative at first and there were a couple of times when she pulled the reins to stop while kicking the horse to go (Abra would just stand there patiently, as if to say "make up your mind, little girl.") But after awhile, she was leading the horse around the arena like she'd been riding forever. I was so proud!
So now I guess we'll be taking lessons for awhile. I just wonder what body part I will have to sell to pay for them!
Oh my when did the smile fad? She looks so excited it is palpable.
Made me tear up...
We LOVE horses... wish we had a place to have them of our own...
I can't wait to see more pictures..
She looks so happy. And she does look like a natural on the horse.
Emma looks so tiny next to that HUGE animal.... Smile just says it all.
Good for Emma! What fun.
I have always found horses beautiful but my fear of creatures with large teeth kept me from getting too close too often.
I hope she enjoys riding for a long time to come.
Emma looks so incredibly happy to be on Abra's back. You are a good mom to let her learn how to ride (something I always wished I knew how to do).
I think I should start thinking about what body part I will sell...Eliza LOVES horses too! Emma looks so cute and happy!
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