Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Gee, it's FUN being a mom! (WARNING - gross!)

Okay, yesterday was just one of those days. Shortly after we got home from school, Emma told me her tummy hurt. What this normally means is that Emma has a big poop she needs to get rid of. So she sat on the potty and did go. But as she was sitting there, she said her tummy still hurt (I'm sure you can all see where this is going...) So I'm leaning in close to her, trying to see if she has a temperature or anything and -BLEECH - suddenly there's blue vomit all over her, me the floor, the toilet. I guess that fruit punch after school wasn't such a good idea. It was really shocking to me because Emma hadn't thrown up since she was one year old.

Anyway, after like two seconds, Emma looked up and said "it's okay, Mommy, I feel better now." Geez, I would THINK SO! So I stripped all our clothes off, plopped her in the tub and started cleaning up.

It's funny, during the long wait for Emma, one of the (many) things I worried about was how to deal with a sick child. I mean, I would rather see someone get decapitated in a movie than see them throw up! And I just never get sick. But it's weird...when you're a parent, you're more worried about how your child is doing than you are about being soaked with vomit. It's not fun to deal with, but it's not horrible like I thought it would be.

Anyway, it must have been something she ate, because she didn't have a temperature and was asking for dinner an hour later. And she was back in school today, bragging to her little friends about how she barfed all over the bathroom. They were VERY impressed!


Julia said...

I so completely agree with what you said about being a parent and more worried about your child than the messy gunk you have to now clean up.

So glad she's feeling better now and it was just a one time thing.

Joannah said...

Oh, I can hardly wait...


C's Mom said...

Blue? Cool! Bring it on :0)

Stinky Mouse said...

Our oldest son (now 18) was notorious for not knowing when he was going to zuke - and then proceeding to spew everywhere. Our 2nd (now 16) always knew for hours in advance and complained loudly to make sure everyone else knew too.

Kai (our 3rd) has been with us just over a year now and is going on 4. He has yet to throw up with us. I mentioned this to my wife and she said, "Shhhh..., don't jinx it!"

Special K said...

Barf bragging! How funny.
Not looking forward to these kind of mommy days...