Saturday, May 31, 2008


After being very loose for about four months now, Emma has finally lost her first tooth! That thing has been hanging by a thread for about a month and it was driving me crazy. I was so convinced it was going to come out when I was out of town a couple of weeks ago. I was going to be so bummed if that happened. Granted, it's a small milestone, but a milestone nonetheless and I didn't want to miss it. Thankfully, it didn't budge while I was away.

So anyway, after attending her school's annual picnic last night, we got home and Emma was sitting on the couch watching her favorite program "Saddle Club." She just looked up and said calmly "Mommy, my tooth just came out" and handed me this teeny tiny tooth. I think I was more excited than she was!

So here is my little gap-toothed girl...

That gap will probably get bigger soon....her other bottom front tooth is already loose too!


Kim said...

Now the tooth fairy is on their way...
Have a Great Weekend..

Lisa and Tate said...

I love the toothless age! Way to go Ms E... enjoy what the tooth fairy brings you!

Super Mommy said...

Okay Tooth Fairy - how much is it worth to you?? Emma's gap looks cute in GAP!! Great pic!! Jade's two top teeth are loose - I think she may lose them before she starts back to school in August.

Sheila said...

Hi, I found your blog at Gymbo Friends. Emma is so adorable! I get excited over those little milestones too! They are so special. We are going to the Stupid Smelly Bus Tour tomorrow!You can read my blog at

C's Mom said...

That darn dimple is so cute it took me a minute to even notice the tooth!

RamblingMother said...

I order you by the power of motherhood to stop growing up Emma!! Just kidding, first tooth, Wow!! Cutie smile now. Love the headband.