Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. Like so many of you, I have the late-summer blogging blahs! Sometimes you just need to take a break.
Anyway, I am really struggling with something right now. First, a little background...
I am a magazine editor and work with a lot of very talented professional photographers. One of my favorite guys to work with is Gabe. He's a great guy and a super-talented photographer. Last week, Gabe and I were hanging in my office before we went out to do some location scouting and I showed him a photo I had taken of Emma. He really praised the photo, which made me feel so wonderful...I really respect his opinion. Then he said "You should really think about letting Emma do some modeling." I just kind of laughed and said "Yeah, right!" I mean, I know Emma is cute, but modeling...come on! Gabe said there are thousands of adorable kids in the world, but you can be cute and not necessarily photogenic. He thought Emma was extremely photogenic. But I just kind of laughed it off.
So a few days later after we wrapped up a shoot, Gabe asked if I had thought any more about the modeling thing for Emma. I said I really didn't think it was for us, that I didn't want to put Emma in the position of going to cattle calls and being judged by a bunch of strangers for her looks. Plus, I thought modeling agencies were just scams to make people pay for modeling classes and expensive portfolios. He said he understood that completely and there certainly are a lot of scammers out there. But he said he works with a couple of agencies in town that he would totally vouch for and they never ask for any money from their clients. He suggested when it gets a bit cooler that he could take some photos of Emma and I could submit them to these reputable agencies and see what they thought. I told him I would think about it.
So now I'm starting to this a totally insane idea or would it be a good experience for Emma? I made the mistake of asking her what she thought about it and, of course, she's thrilled about the idea (I guess I shouldn't let her watch Project Runway with me!) I don't know...I mean one of the things I can never fathom is mothers entering their kids in those idiotic child beauty pageants. Is this all that different? Am I being a total hypocrite? Would I be exploiting my child? Is this communicating to her that looks are more important than anything else?
Plus, there's the money. Gabe says some of the kids he has worked with get $500 or more a day for print modeling. The idea of stashing more $$ away in Emma's paltry college fund is appealing. I'm never going to be able to afford Stanford at the rate I'm saving now!
And I have to be perfectly honest...the idea of her being rejected is devastating. I would be so distraught if I did decide to pursue this and had Gabe take some photos and submit them and then have the agency turned her down.
So I'm not sure what I'm going to do...any advice is welcome. I'll probably have Gabe go ahead and take the the very least, I'll get some really cute photos of Emma from a great photographer for free.
Anyway, here's a photo of America's Next Top Model...maybe!